Sanda (also known as Sanshou) is a Chinese combat sport incorporating both striking and stand-up grappling, Sanda is a dynamic full contact martial art and highly effective self defence system. The striking elements of Sanda can be considered similar to modern Muay Thai, incorporating boxing, kicking, kick-catches as well as wrestling (Shuai) style throws & joint locking. What makes Sanda/Sanshou unique is during a Sanda match, opponents can execute single and double leg takedowns, hip throws, reaps and trips. The three second grappling time encourages quick takedowns and a strong grappling defence.

Sanda (Sanshou) Kickboxing emphasises conditioning, techniques, and strategy, Sanda training is essential for any fighter looking to improve their striking game and become a well-rounded martial artist. Our Sanshou MMA curriculum also incorporates Muay Thai, Sambo & Combat JuJitsu as well.

Sanda fighting includes the four main fighting categories of:

Ti (Kicking)
Da (Striking)
Shuai (Wrestling)
Na (Joint locking or Submissions)

FightLab Sanshou students competing in amateur MMA


Sanda is suitable for all ages, whether you want to get fit, learn self defence or fight competitively. Beginning students will learn to use their hands and their feet for striking, kicking, defensive and offensive manoeuvres, and closing the gap in a fight. They will be trained in all the basic strikes and kicks and learn to use them with the use of kick shields, focus mitts, and heavy bags. Beginning students will also have the opportunity to practice defensive and offensive drills with a partner with a minimal amount of contact. Intermediate and advanced students will continue where the beginning students leave off by delving deeper into the striking and kicking combos and exploring the vast amount of takedown techniques contained in Sanda. Students will also have the opportunity to engage in live sparring on mats and use all the techniques at their disposal.